Prof. Xing Chen



Tel:  +86-10-62752747

Fax:  +86-10-62751708

Office:  C601 Chemistry Building

Born in 1980, Dr. Xing Chen is currently Professor and Dean of the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at Peking University. He completed his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Tsinghua University in 2002, and obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry from University of California, Berkeley in 2007, under the guidance of Prof. Carolyn Bertozzi and Prof. Alex Zettl. He then joined the laboratory of Prof. Timothy Springer at Harvard Medical School as a LSRF postdoctoral fellow, where his research focused on structural biology and immunology. In September 2010, Dr. Chen started as an assistant professor in College of Chemistry at Peking University. He was promoted directly to Full Professor with tenure in 2016. He is also affiliated with Center for Life Science (CLS) and Synthetic and Functional Biomolecule Center (SFBC). Some of his recent awards include Shuzheng Zhang Award for Outstanding Achievements in Glycoscience (2021), Horace S. Isbell Award (2021), Tan Kah Kee Young Scientists' Award for Chemistry (2020), OKeanos-CAPA Senior Investigator Award at the Chemical and Biology Interface (2019), CCS-RSC Young Chemist Award (2018), ACS David Y. Gin New Investigator Award (2016), IGO Young Glycoscientist Award (2015), and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2014). His current research interest focuses on chemical glycobiology.

Prof. Xing
Lab Members
Prof. Peng Dai
Office:  C608 Chemistry Building
Dr. Peng Dai is currently an Associate Professor in College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at Peking University. He completed his bachelor’s degree in chemical biology from Peking University in 2013, and obtained his Ph.D. in biological chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2018, under the guidance of Prof. Bradley Pentelute. He then joined the laboratory of Prof. David Zhang at Rice University as a postdoctoral researcher and then joined NuProbe USA Inc. as a senior research scientist, where his research focused on precision diagnostics and next-generation sequencing. In November 2021, Dr. Dai joined Chen Group as a Research Associate Professor.

Laboratory Manager
Qianhong Bao
Email :
Office : C611 Chemistry Building

Postdoctoral Fellows

Tingbi Zhao, Ph.D.
B.S. in Material Science, Shandong University, 2012
M.S. in Analytical Chemistry, Tsinghua University, 2017 (With Prof. Yang Liu)
Ph.D. in Bioengineering, The University of Tokyo, 2021 (With Prof. Madoka Takai)
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Pingping Feng, Ph.D.
B.S. in Chemistry, Northwest A&F University, 2013
Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, 2018 (With Prof. Xiaojing Yang)
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Zhaoming Ma, Ph.D.
B.S. in Applied Chemistry, Northwest A&F University, 2018
Ph.D. in Chemical Genomics, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, 2023 (With Prof. Jianrong Steve Zhou)
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Cong Lei, Ph.D.
B.S. In biology, Lanzhou University, 2012
Ph.D. In cell biology, Peking University, 2019 (with Prof. Jian Zhu)
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Qi Tang, Ph.D.
B.S. in Chemical Biology, Peking University, 2018
Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, Peking University, 2023 (With Prof. Xing Chen)
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Xinyue Zhou, Ph.D.
B.S. in Chemistry, Nankai University, 2018
Ph.D. In Chemical biology, Peking University, 2023 (with Prof. Xing Chen)
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Caixia Yu, Ph.D.
B.S. in Applied Chemistry, Huazhong Agricultural University, 2013
Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2021 (With Prof. Yuguo Du)
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Yangyanan Jin, Ph.D.
B.S. in Chemistry, Sichuan University, 2019
Ph. D. in chemical biology, Peking University, 2023 (with Prof. Xing Chen)
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Graduate Students

Shuyu Liang
B.S. in Chemistry, East China University of S&T, 2020
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Zi'an Li
B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University, 2020
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Xiaoqing Pan
B.S. in Biology, Dalian University of Technology, 2020
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Jiayu Sun
B.S. in Chemical Biology, Xiamen University, 2020
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Rundong He
B.S. in Biology, Lanzhou University, 2020
B.S. in Biology, Uppsala University, 2020
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Shaoran Zhang
B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University, 2020
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Yanwen He
B.S. in Pharmacy, Nankai University, 2021
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Xunzi Guo
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China, 2021
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Kangming Xiao
B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University, 2021
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Tianyu Chu
B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University, 2021
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Guangyu Hu
B.S. in Chemistry, Nanjing University, 2022
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Wang Hu
B.S. in Chemistry, Jilin University, 2022
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Xiwen Zhang
B.S. in Chemical Biology, Peking University, 2022
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Jinghan Chang
B.S. in Pharmacy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2022
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Congwei Yi
B.S. in Chemistry, Peking University, 2022
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Xiaoyang Guo
B.S. in Chemical Biology, Peking University, 2023
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Zihan Chen
B.S. in Chemistry, Nanjing University, 2023
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Ye Jiang
B.S. in Chemistry,Lanzhou University, 2023
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Shijun Sun
B.S. in Chemistry, Xinjiang University, 2020
M.S. in Chemistry, Xinjiang University & in Chemistry, Peking University (with Prof. Liangbing Gan), 2023
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Rotation Students

Chengyang Lai
B.S. in Chemical Biology, Peking University, 2024
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Haoquan Huang
B.S. in Science in Pharmaceutical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, 2024
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Yi Yang
B.S. in Biology, Chongqing University, 2024
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Ruochan Liu
B.S. in Medicinal Chemistry, Nankai University, 2024
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Siqin Tao
B.S. in Chemistry, Lanzhou University, 2024
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Undergraduate Students

Jiakai Zhang (senior), Peking University
Fangke Yu (senior), Peking University
Xingyu Guo (junior), Peking University
Jingtao Lan (junior), Peking University
Qihan Yao (junior), Peking University
Postdoctoral Fellows
Yi Hao (2020~2023), currently Research Assistant Professor at Shandong University
Jialin Liu (2021~2023), currently Associate Investigator at National Center for Protein Science (Beijing)
Chunting Wang (2020~2022)
Xiang Li (2020~2022), currently Research Assistant Professor at Hubei University
Bo Cheng (2014~2022), currently Research Assistant Professor at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University
Hao Zhang (2018~2020), currently at Jacobio Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd
Jing Wang (2018~2020)
Lin Liang (2015~2017), currently at EHBIO Gene Technology Co Ltd
Wei Wang (2015~2017), currently Research Assistant Professor at SJTU
Senlian Hong (2014~2016), currently Postdoc in Peng Wu lab at Scripps
Lianshun Feng (2011~2013), currently Senior Scientist at WuXi Apptec
Ming Xiao (2012~2015)

Graduate Students
Xu Zhang (2019~2024)
Jiankun Wang (2019~2024)
Xiaoqian Xia (2019~2024)
Shiyong Cui (2019~2024)
Qitao Song (2018~2023)
Yilan Guo (2018~2023)
Yuchen Xie (2018~2023)
Wei Li (2017~2022)
Yi Wan (2017~2022)
Jingyang Wang (2016~2021)
Yi Liu (2016~2021)
Che Zhang (2016~2021)
De'en Sun (2016~2021)
Zhimin Huang (2018~2021)
Weiyao Hong (2015~2020)
Xinqi Fan (2014~2019), currently in Shanghai institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ke Qin (2015~2020)
Weibing Liu (2015~2020), currently in Shanghai Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd
Liying Meng (2015~2020), currently in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University
Yifei Du (2014~2020)
Jie Wu (2013~2020)
Pin'ou Lv (2013~2019), currently Postdoc in Chuan He lab at University of Chicago
Ling Gao (2014~2019), currently Postdoc in John Teijaro lab at Scripps
Wei Qin (2014~2019), currently Postdoc in Alice Ting lab at Stanford University
Rongbing Huang (2013~2018), currently Postdoc in Alice Ting lab at Stanford University
Mengting Hang (2013~2018), currently Postdoc in Stanley Qi lab at Stanford University
Yaya Li (2012~2018)
Yuting Sun (2012~2017)
Lu Dong (2012~2017), currently at Zybio Inc.
Wei Lin (2012~2017), currently Postdoc in Jin Zhang lab at UCSD
Yuntao Zhu (2012~2017), currently Postdoc in Prof. Peter Seeberger lab at Max-Planck Institute
Zefan Li (2011~2017), currently Postdoc in Huiwan Ai lab at University of Virginia
Senlian Hong (2010~2014), currently Postdoc in Peng Wu lab at Scripps
He Li (2010~2016), currently Postdoc at astraZeneca, UK
Ran Xie (2010~2015), currently Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Nanjing University
Liang Lin (2010~2015), currently Postdoc in Milan Mrksich lab at Northwestern University
Jie Rong (2010~2015), currently Researcher in China Post Fund

Xinyu Qi (2021~2024), currently Ph. D student at University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Peizhe Ren (2021~2024), currently Ph.D student at MIT
Xuanhao Zhu (2020~2023), currently Ph.D student at University of Chicago
Ruiqi Ge (2015~2017), currently Ph.D student at University of Chicago
Hengyu Li (2020~2023), currently Ph.D student at California Institute of Technology
Jiayu Zhou (2015~2017), currently Ph.D student at Peking University
Ruixuan Wang (2015~2017), currently Ph.D student at Peking University
Zehua Li (2015~2017), currently Ph.D student at Peking University
Xinying Zhong (2015~2017), currently Ph.D student at Peking University
Ruoxing Lei (2013~2015), currently Ph.D student at UC Berkeley
Ruyi Wang (2011~2014), currently Ph.D student at University of Chicago
Zebin Su (2011~2014), currently Ph.D student at University of Akron
Peng Dai (2011~2013), currently Ph.D student at MIT
Qiancheng You (2011~2013), currently Ph.D student at University of Chicago
Yu Bai (2011~2013), currently Ph.D student at University of Tokyo
Ling Liu (2010~2012), currently Ph.D student at Princeton University
Puzhou Wang (2010~2012), currently Ph.D student at UIUC
Huan Tang (2010~2012), currently Ph.D student at Peking University

Yingying Chen (2012~2012), currently Ph.D student at Peking University
Yanhong Tan (2012~2015)

All contents © Xingchen Grp. All rights reserved. | The Chen Group, 202 ChengFu Road, Beijing 100871, China |Phone: +86-10-62756656 |Last update: Jun. 25, 2024
