Main page·Collaboration·Overview

We actively welcome collaborations with academia, research institutions and industry, hosting around 200 visiting scholars each year. Over 30 of our faculty members hold visiting or joint positions in international academic organisations. Notably, Academician Qi-Feng Zhou became the first Chinese scholar to chair the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in its 100-year history.

Research Collaborations & Visiting Academics

Collaboration with academics from institutions around the world is central to Chemistry at PKU. Our faculty frequently engage in joint research projects and initiatives with scholars and research teams from other institutions. Many of these collaborations stem from academic interactions and are facilitated by our Research and Grant Support teams. To learn more about our research themes and potential opportunities for collaboration, please visit our Research Themes and Academic Staff pages.

Specialist and Media Consultation

Visit our Academic Staff pages, where you can search by research themes to discover academics working in key areas of chemistry. For media or press inquiries, please reach out directly to our Academic Staff.