威尼斯欢乐娱人城v3676纳米科技论坛系列报告之117讲——Wood Nanotechnologies
报告人: Assoc. Prof. Liangbing Hu
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park
地 点:威尼斯官网化学院化学楼A717学术报告厅
时 间:2018年12月08日(星期六) 下午14:00
主请人:彭海琳 教授
He will start by giving an overview of active research activities in his research group located at University of Maryland Energy Research Center, including wood materials toward sustainability, 3000K high temperature materials (Science 2018; Nature Energy 2018) and processing, and beyond-Li ion batteries (solid state, Na-ion, Nature Materials 2017). Then he will focus on his recent development on assembly and functionalization strategies of wood nanocellulose aimed at specific properties, with an eye toward high impact applications including energy, electronics, building materials and water treatment, including nanomanufacturing and light management in transparent nanopaper for optoelectronics (as a replacement of plastics, PNAS 2016); transparent and light guiding wood (replace glass); mechanical properties of densely packed nanocellulose for lightweight structural materials (replacement of steel, Nature 2018); artificial tree for high-performance water desalination and solar steam generations; mesoporous, three-dimensional carbon derived from wood for advanced batteries (replacement of metal current collectors for beyond Li-ion batteries, PNAS 2017); and high performance thermal insulation materials (Science Advanced 2018).